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St. Patrick’s Day “Booze It & Lose It” Enforcement Campaign Underway Across N.C.
Arrange for a sober ride ahead of festivities
RALEIGH – The Governor’s Highway Safety Program launched the St. Patrick’s Day “Booze It & Lose It” enforcement campaign today to help keep impaired drivers off the road.

Now through March 17, motorists can expect an increase in the number of saturation patrols and driver checkpoints by law enforcement across the state.

“Embracing fun traditions is one thing; engaging in the deadly behavior that is drinking and driving is another. Getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol puts lives at risk,” said Colonel Freddy L. Johnson, Jr., commander of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. “As law enforcement officers, we witness firsthand the devastation and loss caused by alcohol-impaired driving, along with the lasting pain it inflicts on families, friends, and entire communities. Drinking and driving is not an option, but making sure someone sober will be behind the wheel is.”

Last year, law enforcement statewide issued 784 DWI charges during the St. Patrick’s Day “Booze It & Lose It” campaign. Of those charges, 71 were issued to drivers under the legal drinking age.

“The consequences of driving while impaired are life-altering,” said NCGHSP Director Mark Ezzell. “Alcohol clouds a person’s judgement, and anyone planning to drink should always prepare by planning for a sober ride home.”

Those participating in festivities this week should plan a sober ride home through a sober friend or family member, a rideshare service, taxi, or public transportation.