Advertise on Henderson County's Most-Listened-to Radio Station
Sales Staff

- Henderson County - 118,000 Population - A blend of people involved in Industry, Agriculture, Tourism, & Retirement.
- WHKP - Since 1946 has been the official voice & station of record for this area!
- Community involved programming.
- A professional staff.
- Generally speaking - what WHKP talks about on the air is what folks in our community talk about.
- When your firm buys WHKP - 1450 AM Radio, your firm buys our reputation & service.
We're More Than Music:
- Local News & Weather
- Community News/Guests
- Commentary & Editorials
- School Closings & News
- Rush Limbaugh
- County Agents Reports
- Birthday Announcements
- High School Sports
- Live On-location Broadcasts
- FOX News
- Carolina Coaches Show
- Human Interest
- Weather
- School Board News
- Prime Time in the ACC
- Police Activities
- UNC Sports
- Carolina Panthers
Apparel................................$18 million
Automotive.........................$310 million
Building Materials..................$85 million
Drug Stores..........................$21 million
Food Stores........................$153 million
Furniture..............................$25 million
General Msde.......................$77 million
Unclassified..........................$75 million
Henderson County is the Second Largest Retail Sales Market in WNC Area, and part of the 17 County Asheville Metropolitan Area.
Phone (828) 693-9061
FAX (828) 696-9329
1450 7th Avenue East
Hendersonville, NC 28792