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The City of Hendersonville’s spring bulk leaf collection for City residents has begun and will continue throughout the month of March.


This is a service automatically provided to city residents and they do not need to call to request leaf pick-up. Residents should not bag their leaves; simply rake leaves as close to the street, curb, or sidewalk as possible without placing the leaves in the roadway or on the sidewalk. Keeping leaf piles out of the roadways and sidewalks helps prevent them from being washed down to the storm drain which can cause flooding. This leaf collection process is separate from brush collection crews; therefore, residents will need to keep their brush and leaves in separate piles during the month of March until spring bulk leaf collection is complete. 

Leaf piles are picked up from homes approximately every seven business days but, depending on the volume of leaves placed out for collection, the piles could be picked up sooner or later than that time.

The City’s bulk leaf collection service does not include pickup for yard waste generated by landscaping companies. If any residents, businesses, or nonprofits use a contractor or landscape contractor to trim or cut trees or any yard work, the contractor is responsible for removal of the debris they generate including grass clippings, bulk leaves, tree trimmings, etc.

Mulch GiveawayThe City of Hendersonville has scheduled its seasonal mulch giveaway program to begin on Thursday, March 23, 2023. Mulch will be available for pick up on Thursdays and Fridays from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. This schedule will continue until early May, or until the material is gone.


The mulch will be distributed at the old Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 80 Balfour Road in Hendersonville. The Public Works Department will have a staff member on-site to operate the backhoe and load the material.

In addition to the mulch, the City will be offering composted leaves as a separate material. These leaves were collected during previous leaf collection events, ran through a grinder, and composted for a year. This material makes an excellent addition to vegetable and flower gardens.

Free mulch and free leaf compost are intended for non-commercial, residential use. Dump trucks will not be filled, and contractors will not be provided with either type of material for reselling or commercial use.

More information on these programs is available at or by contacting the Public Works Department at (828) 697-3084.