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When the junior U.S. Senator from New Jersey, former Newark mayor Corey Booke, recerntly announced his intention to run for president, many of us did not know...or had forgotten...that Senator Booker's father (IN THE PHOTO ON THIS INSIDE WEB PAGE) grew up in Hendersonville and attended the old Ninth Avenue School;.  This is according to a recent Facebook post by Jonathan Parce:

"This is not a political post as I am not yet decided to support any candidate for President in 2020 (any candidate means any candidate Republican, Democrat, or any political party). But of interest to me is the fact that Senator Booker's father, Cary Booker, grew up in my hometown, Hendersonville NC and attended Ninth Avenue School before going off to school at North Carolina College at Durham. North Carolina College at Durham was later renamed as North Carolina Central University and it is where I went to law school. Cary Booker was a great friend of my Junior High School coach and PE teacher Lemuel Jones."

From the New York Times:  Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, the former mayor of Newark who has projected an upbeat political presence at a deeply polarized time, entered the 2020 race for president on Friday, embarking on a campaign to become the nation’s second black president in a Democratic primary field that is the most diverse in American history.

Mr. Booker announced his candidacy on the first day of Black History Month to the sound of snare drums and with a clarion call for unity. In an email to supporters, he drew on the spirit of the civil rights movement as he laid out his vision for a country that will “channel our common pain back into our common purpose.”

“The history of our nation is defined by collective action; by interwoven destinies of slaves and abolitionists; of those born here and those who chose America as home; of those who took up arms to defend our country, and those who linked arms to challenge and change it,” Mr. Booker said.