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Mills River Town Council Thursday night started the process of searching for funding to pay for a preliminary engineering plan for a multi-use path along Highway 280 in the Town of Mills River from the entrance to Broadpointe Industrial Park to the former Food Lion location.

The proposed multi-use path, for bicyclists and pedestrians, had originally been proposed to run from the Henderson-Buncombe County line near Westfeldt Park to the entrance to Pisgah Forest. But concerns about access to Highway 280 by residents, businesses, and property owners along the route caused Town Council to consider a shorter route, that would have less impact on access, and that could eventually be tied into NC DOT’s plans for a path along an expanded Highway 191 from Mountain Road to the Highway 280 intersection.

Thje next step in the process will be working with the French Broad River Metropolitcan Planning Organization to obtain some $300 thousand for the preliminary engineering study...that will include a local match of $60 thousand.

Mills River Town Council also Thursday night awarded a $72 thousand contract to JLS Company of Arden to build a full outdoor basketball court in the Town Park. Much of the new basketball court will be to honor the memory of the late Mills River resident Tommy Bryson who was kidnapped and murdered last summer. Various recent related fund raisers will help pay for the new court.