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Small, independent bookstores have a hard time staying in business most everywhere, and on Main Street in downtown Hendersonville in particular.

It's been rumored for days that Novels and Novelties is closing...and owner Valerie Welbourn confirmed the closing in a recent post on the store's Facebook page:

"For the last seven years, I have been extraordinarily lucky to get to meet lots of wonderful, talented authors, enthusiastic and dedicated book lovers, and just overall nice people, such as yourselves.

It has been a wonderful journey, and we hope we have contributed back as much as we have gained, although that doesn't really seem possible.

As many of you know, the store has been for sale for the last year or so. Although we've had many almost-buyers, all of them have backed out. So we will be closing the store at the end of 2016.

In the meantime, I have gone back to my initial career and have actually been working in Asheville for the last 4+ months. I'm enjoying the change of pace, but will miss seeing all of you on a regular basis, and discussing books. Being a serious introvert though, I guess I had to expect that my time in the public sphere was finite. Thank you all for your encouragement and support these last years.

Thanks for all the Good times! Much Love, Val."

The store was formerly The Fountainhead.

Various items, including some metal and other folding chairs and store furnishings, are being sold as the process continues of closing the business.,