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March 20, 2025
Constitutional Carry Bill Clears NC Senate
'Freedom to Carry NC' would allow individuals to carry a
concealed handgun without a permit
Raleigh, N.C. – Today, the North Carolina Senate passed Senate Bill 50, “Freedom to
Carry NC,” to allow for the permitless carry of a concealed handgun in North Carolina.
“This is the next step in creating a freer North Carolina,” bill sponsors Sens.
Danny Earl Britt (R-Robeson), Warren Daniel (R-Burke), and Eddie Settle (R-Wilkes)
said in a joint statement. “Law-abiding citizens deserve to exercise their Second
Amendment rights without government interference. It is time for North Carolina
to join the ranks of the 29 other states that have constitutional carry.”

No Democrats voted in favor of the bill.
Senate Bill 50 will still allow North Carolinians to get concealed carry permits for
reciprocity with other states.
The bill now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.
Find this release online at<br< a=""> />SenateRepublicansPress | 16 West Jones St. | Raleigh, NC 27601 U</br<>