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 The City of Hendersonville Environmental Sustainability Board is accepting nominations for the annual Sustainability Hero Award. This program celebrates outstanding achievement in the pursuit of the City’s commitment to lead by example in pursuing environmentally sustainable practices critical to preserving the community for future generations.

“This award is an important initiative to recognize those that go above and beyond for advancing sustainability practices for the City of Hendersonville,” said Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Board, Virginia Tegel.

The Sustainability Hero Award will honor an individual City employee or team that is a champion for change and is responsible for development and implementation of sustainability practices in Hendersonville and the surrounding community.

Nominations for the Sustainability Hero Award may be submitted by any individual or organization including citizens, City employees (co-workers) and non-governmental organizations and should be submitted to the Chair of the Environmental Sustainability Board, Virginia Tegel, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Nomination period for 2025 recipients is now open until February 28th.

Previous winners include Stormwater Director Michael Huffman for earning millions of dollars in grants to implement water improvement projects and developing the City’s Stormwater Program to be a leader in the industry, and Public Works Superintendent Brandon Mundy for implementing efficiency changes to the City’s collection programs.

For more information and to see past award recipients, please visit