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The photo first is an over-view of the new school  

The second photo is the way it will appear from the Asheville Highway at Five Points  

Chad Roberson, of the county's "architect of record", Clark Nexxen, presented renderings of what the new Hendersonville High School will be like Wednesday morning in a joint meeting of both the Henderson County commissioners and the county's elected school board

What was presented Wednesday morning was also the result of a collaboration between Commissioners Hawkins and Lapsley, Hendersonville High School teachers, the architects, county staff and others…and it marked the first time the full two boards had come together on the issue.

The renderings and plans presented included the 1926 historic Stillwell building, though it’s still not clear exactly how the old building will be used.  County Commission Chairman Tommy Thompson made a point of saying he favored using it for county school central offices…and perhaps using the current Rosa Edwards old facility for future public library growth and parking.  But the future uses of the Stillwell building are still to be determined.

Parking around the new HendersonvilleHigh School was a much discussed issue…and it’s likely that additional property near the campus may be purchased in the future to meet staff, student, and public parking needs at the new campus…especially during public events like ballgames.

With the new campus to be built on the Asheville Highway at Fivc Points, safety has been a concern…and the architects have designed the new facility so the building will be back some 100 feet from the traffic and highway at Five Points.

About $52.3 million has been budgeted to build the new campus…and it was generally agreed the architects would spend the rest of this year finishing the design, then move forward with the necessary re-zoning to build the new facility.  

By WHKP News Director Larry Freeman